Simple FormWizardCollectionExotic FieldsLot of fieldsDynamic StepsSteppersAsync initial valuesReal life #1
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key: 0
key: 1

Conditioned collection

This show that an unmount collection is unregister, then the collection keys are reset on remount

Nested collections

This show that an unmount collection is unregister, then the collection keys are reset on remount

Managed from form

This show that we can update collection even if we don't have direct access to the collection definition

Collection is defined here

# useFormContext()

  "id": ":R5t6:",
  "resetKey": 0,
  "isReady": true,
  "isSubmitted": false,
  "isValid": true,
  "isValidating": false,
  "isPristine": true,
  "steps": [],
  "isStepPristine": true,
  "isStepValid": true,
  "isStepValidating": true,
  "isStepSubmitted": false,
  "isFirstStep": true,
  "isLastStep": true

# useFormFields()
